16 year Master or 18 year Master for Ph.D. for Chinese Govt Scholarship

Initially, in the start, Pakistani 16 years Master/Bachelor Hons, candidates were recommended by the Ministry of Education, Pakistan (in Cultural Exchange Scholarships)  to get admission in China. CSC gave the admission in Ph.D. Later other people with 16 years of education gave the reference of these students to CSC and also entered into Ph.D. (after admission, they changed the program.) but first they (Master/Mostly Bachelor Hons) got admission in Master programs.
16 year Master or 18 year Master for PhD for Chinese Govt Scholarship
16 year Master or 18 year Master for Ph.D. for Chinese Govt Scholarship


Secondly, Chinese universities office are/were not aware of the difference between M.Sc. /M.A.and M.Phil degree and many people got/are getting the benefit of this loophole. Chinese office just saw Master Degree irrespective of degree time and awarded Ph.D. admission.
But now many universities got a real situation and changed their selection criteria.
So, now, if some candidate can get the benefit from the above-mentioned two situations,it is up to him.