Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria
1.      Selection criteria depends upon the university policy.
2.      Every university has its own policy to give scholarship based onsubject, programs (MS, PhD), and country quota etc.

Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program
Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program

3.      Firstly, only applications that pass the university policycriteria are shortlisted regardless of other particulars. (~60% application arerejected at this stage)
4.       Secondly, these applicationsare evaluated by panel within international students roughly based on the AcademicRecord, health, age etc.
5.      Shortlisted application in step#4 are sent to the concerneddepartments.
6.      Departmental selection panel evaluate applications in details basedon their Research Plan, Field of Research etc.  
7.      A list of candidates shortlisted by departments has been sentback to international student office for final selection.