“HEC” attestation is required by the Chinese Embassy for Visa Process OR Chinese University? 

For those who are still confused about attesting their documents from IBC and he
Documents attestation by HEC in Pakistan
Documents attestation by HEC in Pakistan

This question is one of the most asked questions.
“HEC” attestation is required by the Chinese Embassy for Visa Process OR ChineseUniversity?
Well answer is very simple but for this, someone needs to understand all processes stepwise.
1. At the time of application submission, Chinese universities need only photocopies (simply attested).
2. After a student get a scholarship, the scholarship attestation/verification process is started and initiated by a Chinese university.
3. Chinese university issued all required documents to the student and asked him to consult the Chinese embassy in their own country to get a visa. Chinese embassies are instructed by Ministry of Education, China to verify the university issued documents and other required documents presented by students (Educational certificate, medical reports, etc.) for visa.
4. Chinese embassy itself has no mechanism to attest/verify other country students’ documents. The embassy relies on that country's Foreign office for the attestation process.
5. Foreign office of any country attests/verify all documents of its citizens who travel abroad and apply for the visa. The foreign office also has no direct mechanism to verify all documents but depends upon the other concerned institutes.
6. In the case of educational documents, HEC and IBCC are basically responsible for the attestation/ verification process in Pakistan. Officially, the Foreign offices don’t touch educational documents without HEC and IBCC.
7. Medical Examination report is simply accepted by Foreign office. Similarly, a marriage certificate (for married students) must be issued by NADRAand should be attested by the Foreign Office and later Embassy as well.
8. Any Pakistan document required by the Chinese Embassy / Chineseuniversity is acceptable for them only after the Pakistani foreign officeattestation.
So this is the standard mechanism of the attestation/ verification process.
Nowmany people have different experiences as they sometimes bypass the standard process. They also suggest others to not attest to their documents etc. What is reality?
ActuallyChinese Embassy is very lenient in the case of student visas for Pakistanistudents and they don’t follow the attestation process very strictly. But it doesn’tmean they don’t check all time OR standard mechanism is changed. They can ask for HEC attestation etc.
Now the decision is up to you.