Cover letter template for Job/Scholarship

I am sharing an effective template for writing a cover letter. You can make edits to this according to your experience, knowledge and use it as a base.

You should not just copy-paste a cover letter but also understand the essence of it and the reason behind every word in it.

How to write Cover letter for Job/Scholarship-template
Cover letter for Job/Scholarship-template

Cover letters vary as per your job roles/scholarship



To whom it may concern

Dear Sir or Madam/Dear Mr. X

[Reason for writing]

I am writing to express my interest in the position of…wish to apply for the position of…

I am writing in response to your advertisement for…

I am writing to enquire as to whether there are any vacancies…

[Introducing yourself]

I am currently working as a …./ I am currently studying for…

At present, I am working for xxx where I am responsible for…

I have been working in my current position for the past [time].

[Talking about your education and experience]

I graduated from ABC University with a degree/master’s degree in…

The nature of my studies has prepared me well for a position such as this one.

As you can see from my CV, I have worked… and gained experience …

My mother tongue is English and I am fluent in both German and French [choose your languages].

[Why are you the best for this position]

I feel I am suitable for this role as I have a great deal of experience in...

I consider myself to be a friendly, efficient, and enthusiastic worker.

I believe I would be the ideal candidate based on the fact that I …

I am very keen to work for an ambitious company such as yours.

[Closing comments]

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application.

I am available for contact and for an interview at any time.

If you wish to contact me, you can do so on xxx.

Should you require further information, do not hesitate to contact me.

Please find CV attached (emails)/enclosed (letters).

[Signing off]

I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully, Dear Sir/Madam/Mr. X

I hope this helps all the students!

Thank you.
Good Luck!!